actin so cold.
Im sick and Tired.
I don't care who is Right or wrong ,
I still love you though.
I don't care who is Right or wrong ,
I still love you though.
Today was first day for 3rd quarter , Chairs were rearranged again , Lol. i seat with paolo , this day I was so emooo . I dunnoe , Why all people angry . Why all people act so cold. hais , I feel myself as one human being alone in this world. LOL. crazycrazy . So Lunchbreak Just sit and act like i sleep , Then Hannah said I should smile. Haha, Is it their first time to see me frown ah? I can laughOutLoud, I can CrYouTLoud. ;D
Filipino , Got zero , sad you know , I memorized some . Hate it , I stood up that time lo. Then Suddenly say i got zero. GEEZ. Haihs. Pissed off okay. D:
Shortened period , so got home earlier . I lazy do CL homework . Feel like doing it at school .Haha. :D
Bad news peeps.
My weekends become weekend. I got saturday classes. D:
I hate it okay . :P
Its Not a bird , Not a plane,
Its my HEART and its goin gone away,
My only WEAKNESS is you ,
Only REASON is you ,
Every MINUTE with you,
I feel like i can do .. EVERYTHING.
You changed my whole life , I feel like We're each others " superhuman ".
I love ya. 