THREE CHEERS ! NO MORE SATURDAY CLASSES! ANDANDAND.. EXTENDED WEEKEND! This day was soooooo. Fun :D I HEART THIS DAY OKAY! :) Start in the morning , I was sooo. Pathetic . Not bringing wires and sockets , outlets for the Home eco class, HEY , Im not sooo serious bout that , Im just ....LAZY! :D It was the feast day of the miraculous medal . :D I got ONE MEDAL! NONONO , TWO! :D Haha Then We thought no Home eco , but still got remaining time , but its okay , teacher let us do the project next week , half of the class didn't brought the wires. LOL. we're tooo. LAZY! :D made excuses. haha. Then English, [boring] Math , SOO..... sweat man , I was finding it hard for the quiz today , And , At the last quiz i done good. ONLY 4 WRONG!! :D Club meeting , Computer Club , Boring also , Just paint paint , LAMEEE ! D: gOne to classroom again , Chat with classmates . Singing with Anna . (: She soooo. contagious. haha. Done activities to be passed at the dismissal , Then gone downstairs with ...