I've hated it , Neglecting my bloody blog of mine ,
This blog ain't dead la okay. LOL.
And I have a funny prediction that I'll get bigger and bigger each time im eating. Nothing to do. Just eat , sleep , Play with com. WADAHECKERS babeh. LOL.
Lazy attend Parties, [But I just attended two -o-] Don't have the guts to face people , Don't have the face to show to them. Then they'll say , " You've change a lot! "
OH , wtf.
I have a phone now , >> 09161115586 :D sms me if you can chubbos! :D
My wishes for Christmas:
-Get taller :D
-Decrease the fugging weight.
-iPOD/mp4 , anything that has music loh.
-MORE.$$$$$$ ^^
-Lvl up my RAN till 100! LOL. :D
Okay . thats all . Thanks for even looking at my blog's URL. XD