ehhhh. SO BORINGGGGG. Planning to go with "unknown guys" in swimming. LOL. IM MISSING SOMEONE. Ate kaye !! arghh! D: Im sooo waiting for her to on. XD Been watching ANNOYING ORANGE. DAMN BORED! gimme a nice blogsong! :) -G.D.L
Showing posts from March, 2010
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Why am i rushing? Why am I like this. Rhian, you've change , Well, its part of growing up. Kays, This day been thinking of what should I do, What should i do For the next school year, Changing school ya know, :[ (sobs) Changing homeplace either. BOO-HOO. Papa said that, But i hope they are not sure , I'll just waste my scholarship ~_~ wasted man. Thinking of those things, I just rushed to my lappy playplay. BLACKIE IS MY BESTFRIEND! :D Eh guys, Im loving this vid, SO MUCHH., Someone asked me whats GDL, its me! G-Dragon's lady. [hearts] (laughs) Ha-ha, kay guys, Till here. -GDL.
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Heyy, Posted this kinda early i guess, and i Promise i never forgot this. LOL. XD Its okay if im not the first one to tell this but, HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANYI . :D eh ? why know her despite of the long distance? I met her in an online game. . :] Then had conversations we became friends! ha-ha. :D Neh mind bout that. HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY!! :D Loves, GDL.
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Hoho , never updated for longlong time, Been busy. EH, VACATION STILL BUSY HUH? nono. BUSY PLAYING. LOL. ITCHYYYYYYY ARMSSS. all redred. DDD: I miss My classmates. :( LAST NIGHT . Seeing our class picture, mr.teardrop fell. :'( IMISSMISSMISS Them so much. Err, Gimme anime to watch. puwleasee? till here. -GDL
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Damn it, Yesterday I was Drunk! :] haha, Last day of school, Gone there AND ALL MY CLASSMATES ALREADY GONEE. eee. D: i miss them! Then wait for Maine to finish reciting at english. Then funny principal got already upstairs, LOL. funny huh. Glaiza was sooo funny. I like hitting her a lot, lol GLAIZA, i miss you already! D: Then got into the van , With maine, sheila, francis, glaiza , and the others, Kimberly, Marian and ainna just followed up, I just saw marian upstairs laughing, i hugged her. LOL. then they also brought one bottle. eee. SO TWO BOTTLES HOW FINISH ALL UP HUH. LOL. bought pizza. pizzzzzzzzzza. While waiting for the pizza, Maine so crazy talking about her dream boy, her KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR. haha! sooo funnny. Then gone to the ROOFTOP! BOO-HOO. so tiring, the stairs, OMG. ahahaha. ANDANDANDAND. KIMBERLY AND FRANCIS SOO DRUNK. LOL. Hmm. imma good girl! never drink . HAHA. :] i drink MILO! hohoho Go in to one of sheila's room, I suddenly thought my head was spinning. ...
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SCL,. gonna miss you so much. SCL SY: 2009-2010. :( yani will miss you so much. Thanks for all the good times, laughtrip, soundtrip. Every moments made me laugh out loud, shout, and even cry, I won't forget you guys... Love lots. Oh ya, i almost forgot... I PRESENT. ANNA MARIE! she requested it! LOL. Kays guys. I JUST WANNA SAY ONE THING. WORDS CAN'T TELL HOW MUCH I WILL MISS YOU, AND LOVE YOU GUYS, SEE YOU SOON.
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And i slammed the door but couldn't make a sound. This day was sooo laughful . LOL if thats the right word. ha-ha. Been playing with classmates, Cause its the last regular day, Tomorrow their exams lo. sadsad. BUT GOODLUCK! :) As expected, I never get into Top ten crap thingy. But happy as always, I was called a "candidate" whee. happy for that. Then Our teacher asks us to watch over pri 1 students. WAAA. so cute la. Esp the cute boy, Suddenly kiss me in the chick! LOL. then kisses glaiza at lips. OMG glaiza, YOUR FIRST KISS. LOL. So fun, love it. ^^ GOODLUCK IN EXAMSSSS. LOVE YOU SO MUCHH.
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I could wrap up both our hearts, I know it sounds absurd. Seniors' night last night, LOL. im not invited either, Just wanna share. ^_^ Err. Just now came online, Lazy on cause never had things to do, Waiting for the peeps to come and go online. GAHHHH. i've been missing them , Hope that Marian and Trixie got the letter and never Lose it. Or ELSE I'LL BURN THEIR HOUSEE. LOL. joking. :] Bakit kung kelan ang lahat masaya, ako naman tong nagmumukmok na parang tanga, Nakakainggit sila, Sila nag cecelebrate, ako parang ewan na nalulungkot. siguro nga, nakalimutan nila ako. Siguro nga.. Walang pagbabagong mangyayari kung mawawala nga ako, sana nga mawala nlng ako. D:
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Random pic, Cheering Competition. SUPPOSED TO BE SIC. NOW ITS 5ID! LOL. :D Guys, NAT WAS SOOO. awesome. LOL. After NAT exam, Go to the streets to find bookbinding thats affordable. LOL.if its not rush it is really cheap. So we found one, soooo cheap la. LOL. then gave our so-called"thesis" eh, its not thesis when it is in highschool. LOL. :D Rhian, geez. keep on updating. Okay. LOL. I MISS MY FRIENDS, SCL,, GOODLUCK SA EXAMS. ^_^ LABYATS! -yani.
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BOO-HOO. bad day isn't it. sooo bad i want to. -kill my brothers -crash my lappy -kill my neighbor's cat -shout like crazy woman -get a hammer, smash my tv. -Say bad words to mama! -Post bad words on facebook. -Go to school and cut our principal's boobs. LOL. -Go smash my mama's phone -Go tear my pillows -Break my books. oh-em-gee -Shout at the annoying ones. This day, so irritating. FOR THE PAST DAYS, im soo... annoyed.fuckedup.necrotic.dunnowatosay. geez. JUST. ARGGH! -xo. yani.
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[pic above: my character and ate kaye's. :]]]]]]]! love it!] Heyheyhey... ONE THING! I SUCK A LOT. BOO-HOO! and i hate it sooooo much. =( Morning, So exhausted, I forgot to drink energy drink. LOLLOL. Then review review, some teachers got into my nerves uhh. GEEEEEEEEZ. They, really sucking hell outta me, One teacher was so mad like she got period. LOLL. Then the other one, I was just in the wrong line not wearing my I.D then nag nag me make me embarrass loh. TO THAT TEACHER, YOU BAKA CHIHUAHUA LAR!!!! I 'LL BURN YOUR HOUSEEEEEEEE. :] Haha.. First exam was math. I need towel. Put on my head. IT BLEEDS. LOL. Many questions just randomly answered. T-T and also filipino, ANDAND. COMPUTER . AHHHHHHHHH. I FAIL!! =( HATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAY HATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAY HATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAY HATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAYHATETHISDAY HATE...
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This day was.. awesome, and.. Heart touching. :"] Talked with Vincey, And " the company" . LOL. while doing outline For CL. oh-em-gee. Just one thing guys. I DRANK TOO MUCH ENERGY DRINK, NOW I CAN'T SLEEP. :D I'll just review till i feel my eyes shutting down. EXAMS TOMORROW. :] And guys, TAG ME OR I BURN YOUR HOUSEEE. WISH ME LUCK FOR TOMORROW. AND.. THIS IS TO SOMEONE. TRIXIE, THANKS FOR THE LETTER, LOVE LOTS. [heartheart] LOL. -Yani