EXAMS ON TUESDAY! (: GOODLUCK TO MEEE. ^_^ To all my long lost friends, Im sorry for not talking to you so much. YOU JUST DON'T KNOW HOW I MISS YOU GUYS! :D GRANNY! me misssssssssss ya. DD: That would be... ALL. ^_^ -Yani.
Showing posts from February, 2010
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From Left: Trixie, Kimbery, Ainna, AJ, Anna marie, Cristrine, Marian, Me, Theody. Field trip THE PLANET EARTH HAS DONE ITS, [i don't know]th times. ha-ha. ^_^V And this would be my.. 230th post! I really missed this blog. Need to do the untouchables, HOMEWORK, Projects, In this aspect i hate math so much loh. LOL. Done 2/5 of my bio, still the I.P comic strips, Portfolio, History Project, and many moreee. NEED TO FIND MANY OLD NEWSPAPER! :D Kays, Gotta end this postie. Love ya'll!. :D -Yani.
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I'd like to make myself believe.. The planet earth, turns slowly. Hey guys, updating blog again! :D Haha. i missed you so muchh. I also missed blogging! Now that summer's not-oh-so-far away, been busy, hectic schedule? LOL. ^_^V Been one of the lucky students to be on top 15, good right?! haha. Hmm, what could I say, updates? hmm.. -3 days before 2nd month with him! :D -Rush projects. i heart math so much. :D -Oh-em-gee. need to pass Bio papers. -LOL. Made new character! archer one loh. (: hmm, Just wanna let you know, IM UPDATING AGAIN. ^^ Call me by my name please. YANI.