ow , the bloggie thingy! I almost forgot. LOL. Time to update . LOL. Soo , what the heck's Rhian Doing these past few weeks ? ah, Still Don't know , But if you're really want to read a new post going on my " bloody blog" , Then .. I wanna tell you guys im damn happy these days , :D The reason why am i not able to Re-blog again , Is that im addicted to one game. HA.HA. and Second , School is busy nowadays , its the B.E.D week , Sportsfest , and of course.. I wanna tell you guys , That B.E.D week is....Awesome ? Well , I can sleep anywhere thats why. LOL. Been playing around the lobby like a little kid , BEEN BLOWING BUBBLES ALL AROUND even at the auditorium!!! :D Some of updated me. - FIELD TRIP! :) im coming there ! blehh ! :p -addicted to justin bieber. -Is JB GAY? WTH. -Having manymanymanymanymanymanymany Friends. and, -currently His property .:x MeLoVesAlexis! :x