" Everybody has his/her angel. have you met yours ? " My answer: I have my angel , My angel is with me now ^^ But there is ONE and another angel fluttering around me . Making me feel SAFE. Making me feel whole while my angel is away. Its so complicated ^^ I dunnoe why. :D -Ja.
Showing posts from December, 2009
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UPDATED. I've hated it , Neglecting my bloody blog of mine , This blog ain't dead la okay. LOL. And I have a funny prediction that I'll get bigger and bigger each time im eating. Nothing to do. Just eat , sleep , Play with com. WADAHECKERS babeh. LOL. Lazy attend Parties, [But I just attended two -o-] Don't have the guts to face people , Don't have the face to show to them. Then they'll say , " You've change a lot! " OH , wtf. Oh, ANDAND. I have a phone now , >> 09161115586 :D sms me if you can chubbos! :D My wishes for Christmas: -Get taller :D -Decrease the fugging weight. -iPOD/mp4 , anything that has music loh. -MORE CLOTHES -MORE.$$$$$$ ^^ -Lvl up my RAN till 100! LOL. :D Okay . thats all . Thanks for even looking at my blog's URL. XD ja~!
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pic above : My character in RAN! , the game im addicted now,! ^_~= AND TODAY.. SOOOO HAPPY!! Today is OUR CHIRSTMAS PARTY OKAY. so happy. :D TO ALL WHO GAVE ME GIFTS , THANKS A LOT! GIFTS ON JANUARY , SO SORRY! SO damn fun , WORDS CAN'T EXPLAIN IT. But i'll be waiting for the pictures though. HAHA. EXAMS ARE OVER , NO SCHOOL TILL JANUARY 4! CHEERS! JA! :D
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SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING ALL THE TIMEE! (: I STILL WANT BLOG OKAY! Reasons: Exams Coming Near. Busy in school. Addicted to RAN! ?(: and fb also. LOL. I remember asking Hanyi to make FB. ITS FUN! :D ANDANDAND. I go post here about granny saving my day! SUPER GRANNY! So , Got one girl named " Isabella " Calling me names. Call me biatch la. Then say my blog sucks. geez geez. Then Tagged Granny in her blog , Expecting her not to reply sooner. BUTBUT. SHE SCOLD THAT DAMNED GIRL! ((: CHEERS. Then she keep saying sorry Then Gwacey also help scolding. LOL. ((: Oh, I want review for exams , These exams are very crucial . I need to review. But im still going online. THINK POSITIVE! ((: Sooo , I go tag people now. BYEBYE! IM GONNA SING IN THE CHRISTMAS PARTY WITH VINCE! ((: (p.s)
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Arghh. So stressed. Oh yah , I FORGOT MY BLOG AGAIN! D: haha. For the past days, So bored., Just ordinary ones. Sooo.... Ill just post .. TODAY! Today was sooo . FUN! (: I REALLY LOVE LOVE THIS DAY! haha! School was Okay , Been Laughing in subjects. THEY ARE FUNNY! And in Math Period kinda show off. LOL LOL. :) Oh and , So many saying . Blooming raw? :)) Wahahah! Vince is absent now . D: DUNNOE WHY! He just said He will bring guitars. Then we practice for December the 18th. THEN ME , Chin , Glaiza , Matthew , Francis .. GOT PLANS! WHEEEE. i hope it will be accomplished. HOHO! Then dismissal , Kinda pissed off with the " tres marias." -.- THEY SO NOISY PRINCIPAL GOT TO SCOLD THEM INCLUDING ME! F***K LA! Then Go home , SOO EMO In the jeepney. Thinking about one person , Hey , That person is damn attractive. That person .. attracts me too much. I find that person ... AH , FORGET ABOUT THAT PERSON. LOL. haha. Then Gone home , Mama said we should go shopping for my clothes. W...
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Faster than a shooting star, Baby, You stole my heart. I NEVER WANT IT BACK. When you're lost In love , You'll never wanna be FOUND. Lovely mystery. Come get lost with me , We we're meant to collide. I love you. You and I, please. :D share your world with me. I might be kinda sort of obssesed. Im not . :D I just love love . I don't want this feeling to end.
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There's a rainbow always after the rain. This day was so fun , School was okay, Kinda boring , and i want to go home very early. But never happened. So i just stay with My classmates . Laughs as the officers had an emergency meeting about the christmas party. haha. Then at home , go online, then bored bored. Chat with vince. Haha. Then he called me,. Geez , at least my boredom was eased. haha. Then he said he'll be back. But suddenly off lo. Takte ka tangkad. wahaha. :D wak ka magagalet saken aa! :( Okay, gotta off now , Byebye :D
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They're so .. DAMN ... HOT ! Aiya , Addicted to New moon , I dunnoe why , Haha . ^^V Best movie ! :D Okay , Update bloggie , OH yeaahh. LOL. This morning was so Nice. But I got cough and cold. -o- Geez . Can't speak nice nice , My voice croaky. haha ANDAND, I KEEP SNIFFING ! D: I can't breathe easily mah , Biology , Cool cause we more advanced than others. xD Not sure , But , Teachers says. ~~ Recess Go canteen . suddenly Sharmaine just remembered she forgot her wallet . -o- Then go upstairs fast . haha. Funny ! =)) And I thought Our filipino teacher would make us recite the ones we have to memorize. Thank goodness its not . ;D Then at dismissal , Go auditorium For the Practice Of Christmas songs , Like different Levels singing together , We are with the freshmen. :D hoho . Funfun , we're just on the side of the stage , Me , Sheila , AJ , Juslyne , Trine , Kim , and all the 2nd voices. LOL. Love funny people ! :D haha. :DD Then Gone home , Buy mint gum . boredbored . n...