THIS DAY WAS FULLLL OF PRESSURE. :D haha. i slept 11 pm last night. been doing projects and reviewers for the exams. hmm goodluck to me? LOL . wtf. all my pics erased. even my bdae ones lo -,- badtrip. then morning, after i go classroom i sleep for 30 minutes then suddenly someone waking me up lo. i also slept in biology LOL . good thing shar and hannah woke me up xD UHMM.. lol JAD IS SOO FUNNEH. HAHA ! what a good thing i printed my soo simple project in history. haha. at least i got :D I AM REALLY GOOOD . lol. then at english we try to finish group project. LOL. but can't la. then club meeting. anezka want mediawatch so i tried it but my name was not called. T-T SAD LO. DD: i want go mediawatch. so. second choice is SPEAKERS BUREAU D: the nosebleeding part la. then i saw my name there, third on the top. IM SO FAMOUS. LOL. hannah and glaiza never saw me there D: they neverrrr noticeeeeeeed me. xD then stayed in classroom to finish english. MY GROUPMATES LEFT ME. DD: thats why my ...
Showing posts from July, 2009
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MY LAPPY IS BACCCCCCCCCCK :D CHEERS. kinda happy . LOL. only kinda. xD haha. today so tiring day.. im so busy now.. i dun want type here a lot. presentation finished, now all i have to do now is do my own brochure and the SONA thingy. AFTER THIS WEEK. SUCCCESS. XD. lol. ok i end my post by scolding out vulgarities. THIS IS TO THE BULLSHIT GUY. HEY. WTF . YOU ARE NOT THAT PERFECT. SO DUN YOU DARE LAUGH AT SOMEONE. JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP. I HATE BULLIES. BACKSTABBERS. PLASTIC PERSONALITY ARROGANT PPL FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK YOU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL >:(
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whoa.. YESTERDAY. didn't post smth in here. cause got flood outside the house.. got hard rain -,- the water is waist level. LOL. i dun want to be wet :D haha. i want post pictures.... haha. i got a phone? YAY! :DDD haha. but mom want use it . geez -.- i will earn lots for that :D LOL. I JUST WANT A PHONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. D: i crave for it. :] im so busy.. im gonna do things like, today : do half of brochure and research about history presentation [im gonna be touring in malaysia? LOL.] also doing papers for the state of the nation address.. dunnoe what will i do. xd tuesday: do whole brochure and go with anezka to her house.. plans always change. :] wednesday: print the brochure [im broke -.-] kinda free? depends if have hmwk to do :] thursday: frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :l friday : ACADEMIC CLUB == either mediawatch or speakers bureau or... or.. THEATER CLUB. LOL. i still want my lappy back lo. :D ohmygeez. wth. i really miss you like crazy.
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I FELT SO WEAK. xDDD i dunnoe why lo. DD: haha. i kinda lazy to online.. cause many friends not on. D: *sobs*. is sooooo bad trip ! um... [i rmb of jad. LOL] um.. xDD this day is so terrible.. just watched tv and chat with mom and bro. xD gt nth to do.. so i just post smth on my bloggie. xDD actually.. im gaining more more weight, :| i want go on a diet lo. xD haha. bye now :D take cares readersss :D had i known how to save a life??? D:
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sorry readers !! :D haha,. haven't post anything yesterday .. kinda busy and so lazy to on . LOL lets start at morning :] one organization came to our school. body IQ? it was quite interesting.. and so energetic!! also the facilitator. xD there talked about friends,. changes. blah blah.. while time past .. it became boring. then recess.,, after that we got literature.. i got to speak infront about my work . geez. kinda shy . LOL. then so fast its lunchtime. xDDDD haha. :D ate nth,, cause i review for history quiz ! then the quiz is kinda easy. i review so much. :] im so goooood. xD lets skip some parts. i want my post not that long :DD haha. then before dismissal.. is club meeting! :D i joined SSVP :] its damn nice club. haha. theody is the president again -.- for the second time . LOL. after club met with yzabelle to go out of sch. the guard won't let us out. i dunnoe why. HAHA the guard said not yet dismissal. -.- crazy lo. my uniform still on repair. -.- I KINDA HATE IT. xD ...
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school is so nice today. :D LOL. kinda pissed off. xD ah. forget about that. it was also fun xD . homeroom period we go up and down stairs. practicing line formation. LOL. so tiring lo . we will go up again 4 floors. T-T haha. lets skip the sad parts shall we? LOL. lets go dismissal. LOL. i was finishing my english project. about trees. kinda easy. then while vince waiting for slipknot album. I HATE YOU VINCE. D: he kinda piss me off. D: he said why i dun take diet. LOL. i told him shut the fk up. haha :DD then he say its my first time to scold out vulgarities. AM I THAT NICE ? xDD he said he cares for me. BWAH. he is so bad. DDD: VINCEEE. STOP ANNOYING ME. also got another one -.- JADDDDDDD YOU ALSO STFU LA. xDD stop pinching my arm. DDDDD: it hurts. its funny :] kinda childish but fun. LOL. then go home with anezka after she clean classroom :] then get my uniform. got another flaw again. i repair again for the last time.. I WISH. WTH. IT WAS ALREADY TWO MONTHS A GO LA! haha really...
to a woman so numb..
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WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL TO ME??? you always like that lo. ignoring me . irritating me to death. DDDDD: adik ka ba??? kaasar ka naman, D: but. im also sorry for not making the first move.. i can't say things out loud to you directly.. but i guess i can write it here. D: I MISS YOU! peace na ah. xD
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I MISS MY LAPPY LE. D: haha. today so looong day... lemme start things . there was a man trying to kill me. he chased me so i gone through the door, into the bedroom, then locked the door in it. eh. the guy is so incredible. he really wanna kill me. and then he unlocked the door so i ran out of the kitchen,, he gone there. he was infront of me. staring. ready for his gun, pointing towards me.. i screamed... THEN I REALIZED I WAS DREAMING. xD heart beats fast lo !! what a nightmare. :| on sch, kinda peaceful cause filipino teacher came late. haha. then library period, biology, haha fossils kinda make me interested on biology le. xD than i was quite worried with the history project. D: the presentation. LOL. i hope i can finish it soon lo. than at afternoon monday cleaners didn't clean. i didn't clean last thursday, so i did the little job.. see? i so guai :] LOL. it was raining outside. kinda hard to find jeepney to ride. haha. :] kks got nth to write now :] tomorrow then. LOL....
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there's no cold.. but i shiver. there's no flame.. but i burn.. i don't know what im afraid of. i just know one thing; im only afraid of losing you. LOL. i just got it on my mind for hours. xDDD im READING MALICTIONARY !!!! nice book . makes me think more broad xDDD one post is not enuff i guess. xDD YOUR'RE MINEEEE.
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ohmygeez. fuck your momma dude. xD haha. im so crazy today.. so meeann .xD i got a nice dream, hoho. then i suddenly think of one word. EMO . xD haha, im so bored so i researched some pics.. and they are kinda cute for me xDD dun be offended emo haters. LOL. here are some ! :D dun be offended. i just find them cute... :D BYEBYE !! :]]]
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ah.. too bad.. D: can't post pictures. xD i wish my lappy will be back. uncle said dun worry about it. LOL. xD happy birthday to me. ahh... i kinda sad even though it is a wonderful day. ill start at the morning. LOL. mom waking me up for no reason . xD i know my birthday even im asleep mom. no need wake me up .LOL. then shouting at meee. D: happy birthday... LOL. xD im glad so many people greeted. THANKS ! then mom and her friends came to our house.. they ask me go buy beer. WTH it is my bday la. not theirs. LOL. but they say they let me drink so i made a deal . LOL. im drinking ~~~ kinda silly xD I HATE BROKEN PROMISES. D: so utterly indecent words coming out of your mouth.. this is to you. FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YOU. :] LOL.
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LOL. why so many saying i got new look now? i just wore headband -.- geez. haiz. my mind was flying all over. after i got to the classroom, just bump my head into my bag and sleep. LOL. then suddenly i make scribbles in my paper. wheee even my history hmwk ruined. LOL. i pity myself that time. today is monday so got PE lessons. so i got two bags. D: so hard to carry. geez. then at CL period, that was the most peaceful time of today. kinda solemn, so i have the chance to relax. LOL. then dismissal, then go out of school with anezka, btw. BIO PROJECT DONE!!! hehs :D i know i can do it lo. xDDD then i go home so wet,. my mom kinda worried. LOL i said i dun have umbrella. its her fault LOL joking. xD ok i wanna off now. bye la :]] i remembered the first time i saw you. then that time. we held each other it was just like the very first time. i miss you, PEACE !
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h aha i so lazy to type yesterday. thats why never post. D: haha today is peaceful . i can't forget what happened yesterday.. hoho MOM DIDNT ATTEND meeting . LOL she kinda busy.. so what a yay. WTH. hoho that was the first meeting for the year de okay.. kinda frustrating. D: hehs i waited for mom for 1 hour in school but me paolo and trixie went places just to print hand outs for our reporting in history. D: bwah. hate it la. cause its so hot !!! D: also we gone too many places then after seeing another comshop we waited minutes or hour i think. LOL. then the output .. the handouts.. are just thrown into the trash can . WTH so frustrating. LOL. hehs. dun cry. im always here to catch you when you falling :D i lovee you.
old magazine.
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hi there :D LOL. my lappy still not here eh. D: in the morning,, vince and paolo making me laugh .. got stomach ache? LOL. then we rushed history report with trixie. were just the only two doing the thing.. the boys just staring at us. WTH. we tired we didnt finished.. good thing got monday.. LOL. then in biology we finish observing seeds. LOL vince not in the mood. i tried to cheer him up . then we got little arguement. geez. he got multiple personality disorder le :D xD then we ignored each other till experiment over . then he ask where are the old magazines. i forgot in the classroom. then he became more angry.. i got so short tempered so i frankly spoke why he like that. LOL. then we ignored each other. after experiment he said sorry. geez. LOL. i dun have art project. D: good thing can pass next week :DDDD hoho. then my english lit notebook missing. DD: WTH. i so in a bad luck . hehs. gt nth to write. byes :D TOMORROW PHM !!!!!! BIRTHDAY NEAR :DDDDDDD
history. :DDD
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im almost perfect in the history mini quiz? LOL. got project be pass on thursday. haiz. dunnoe how to do le. D: this day .. kinda nice.. im turning myself into a moody rhian again. haha. literature kinda boring today.. hoho then hihs. D:story so amazing. HAHA, paolo is my seatmate :D also vince .. hoho. my guitar broke DD: why all my things broken-ing? wah lao DD: LOL. eh .. my mom said my lappy still three or one week before repair.. im not gonna on till friday.. im broke la LOL. i still look invisible girl. rhian was here.
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CLUB LAUNCHING .!!! i m joining theater arts club? or... badminton club. eh. i dun mind.. just want more activities. :D hoho. hmm today was kinda good. i dunnoe. i guess. haha. LOL why i got nth to type here. haiz. got math project. :ooo also... got history quiz on monday.. got experiment on biology. LOL. i am really a student now :D hoho. i didnt do hmwk so i rushed history cause i thought it will be passed today. BUT IT WILL BE ON MONDAY MA. D: geez. hate it. LOL. got nth to write. :D bye. i just dunnoe why am i so invinsible. they tot im emo.. jeez i am not. know me first pls. i just hate the fact that you all hate me :( im trying to fit in. still you won't let me . im just sad to have no good friends in school. :(
damn it.
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geez. my lappy broke larhs!!! got error. :( i dunnoe how to fix. LOL . im now at computer shop. hehe. my dad will be angry at me. school was okay.. kinda funny. so lively. LOL. :D its was nice okay . im actually not in the mood to write anything here. haiz. im dead meat for dad. have assignment in history. math and biology. LOL. :D i just research again later. hehe. i miss all my friends. --rhian was here .